Rescate y extensión de Cortez

cotidiano enriqueciendo la vida de perros abandonados y sin hogar
Perros rescatados desde 2018

Mire este video de nuestro centro de rescate en Las Cuevas Baja California Sur


Nuestros perros destacados

I am adorable but I've been waiting for over 1,222 days for my furever family. I'm in foster in Portland,...

Mix & Pointer
6 Years Old

Over 663 days and still waiting for my family. I'm in foster in Baja, MX. I'm the sweetest girl! Would...

Terrier - American Staffordshire
6 Years Old

It's not my fault I look this way. I have a beautiful soul to make up for it. Won't you...

1 Year Old

Amante de perros destacado

Voluntario excepcional que apoya nuestra misión.

Lynn Prather

Cortez Rescue is so grateful for the tireless service Lynn provides to our pups and organization.  Cortez Rescue runs on the power of our volunteers.  Lynn shows us all there are many ways to be involved and help out- there is something for everyone who wants to get involved.  Thank You Lynn!  Cortez Rescue and all the doggies love you!


CR (Cortez Rescue): ¿Qué te hace estar tan comprometido con ayudar a los perros?    LP (Lynn Prather):  I have had pets of many sorts for my entire life – dogs, cats, birds, fish, snakes, apes and monkeys, goats and sheep, baby deer, horses and an occasional cow. I care about animals because they, like children and many disabled and elderly folk, need someone to look out for them, be their voice and ensure their best life.

CR: How did you get involved with Cortez Rescue?   LP:  As an adult I was fortunate to travel a great deal and quickly learned that many countries don’t have the same kinds of resources we enjoy in the United States.  Mexico was one of those countries and I’ve seen how desperate conditions are for the majority of dogs and cats there.  A few years ago, I was fortunate to discover Cortez Rescue and the Cabo Pet Escort program. Once I started volunteering, I couldn’t stop. Every small thing I can do, matters – to me and to the animals.
CR:  Tell us about a memorable moment while volunteering for Cortez Rescue?  LP:  My experience working with Cortez has been too full of memorable and soul-lifting instances to name just one. Every time I pick up a dog at the airport, every time I bring a pup or pups into my home, every time I’ve delivered a pup to their new forever home has been life changing. Even dismantling, cleaning and stacking airline kennels makes me feel good!
CR: Anything else you'd like to add?  LP: I encourage everyone to do whatever you can, whenever you can, to make a difference for the dogs and cats looking for their better life. If you can’t volunteer, donate whatever you can afford.  If you can’t donate, volunteer in whatever capacity you can. You won’t be sorry.

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october, 2024

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Un gran agradecimiento a nuestros patrocinadores de negocios amantes del perrito

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es_MXEspañol de México