I've found my furever family!


Estamos felices de decirte que Nevadatiene un nuevo hogar para siempre.
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12/9: current weight 35.7 lbs

Nevada is our shy girl. But she is really coming into her own. Growing more confident each day. She likes her pets and playtime. Her markings are beautiful. She's going to be one special girl.

Foster updates: She is so good with the children and a good sleeper when she gets enough exercise. She seems most playful and confident when we walk on the beach at night. Last night we found her curled up on her bed with all our slippers. She is curious, but not destructive. Yesterday we took Nevada on a hike in Santiago (about 30 mins drive) and she was car sick. Luckily for us she had not eaten any breakfast, so it was minimal cleanup.

Nevada is coming out of her shell. We spent the day on the beach interacting with other park dogs and meeting new people. We are really excited to see this pup coming out of her shell, little by little. All of today’s action has her sleeping soundly and her body has definitely relaxed. Still a challenge to get her up and walking although she doesn’t seem to be resisting as much.

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