This rescue is named after two very special dogs that I was blessed to have in my life. That the universe found me to be worthy of such a gift is forever humbling. This rescue is their legacy. It is based on Connor and Millie's sheer tenacity and determination to survive; their desire to love, be loved, and the ability to forgive.
No rescue can survive without dedicated volunteers. With Cortez Rescue, you will be given all of the tools you need to be the best temporary fur parent you can be. We provide support with tutorials on in home care, emergency support, dietary advice and all medical is paid for by Cortez Rescue. We will also be here for you if you need time off to take care of personal issues. As we grow we will be providing hand outs and online ways to increase your knowledge and confidence.
We are looking for experienced fosters who have the knowledge to care for senior dogs or dogs with medical issues. Our dogs have been traumatized and will need special care and attention. Please only adults with their own homes and transportation apply. If you rent, we require a letter from your landlord approving dogs to be fostered. We welcome Vet Techs and medical personnel.